Haverford, PA • High School Senior Hosts Artists as Peacemakers Exhibit

(The following article comes to us courtesy of the Haverford High School website: www.haverford.k12.pa.us/hhs)

There is no such thing as senioritis for Hope Schmid. With her college acceptance letter in hand, and AP tests done, you would think that this would be a time for her to relax and enjoy her last few days as a high school student. But not Hope. She’s hard at work doing what she does best: spreading hope.

haverford-imageOn Tuesday, May 22, Hope organized a reception to introduce guests both to the exhibit but also to engage participants in a conversation about how to promote peace in our daily lives. At the reception, Hope walked guests through the exhibit, speaking with students, teachers, and parents about the need for everyone to take steps toward promoting peace in our daily lives. Following a more formal presentation which introduced the exhibit and engaged participants in discussion, Hope taught those at the opening reception on Tuesday how to make origami doves on which we wrote our declarations for peace.

The exhibit was brought to Haverford through the International Committee of Artists for Peace. ICAP is a coalition of artists and organizations dedicated to promoting global peace and individual happiness—through concerts, exhibitions, educational activities and programs for young people.

So even as she is thinking ahead to what her future holds beyond Haverford High School, Hope Schmid is grounded, looking for ways to help her school and her community think about how to promote peace.

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